On the first day of this week, the cat I rescued from starvation in a refugee camp gave to me:
One tiny rat baby...
On the second day of this week, the cat I rescued from starvation in a refugee camp gave to me:
Two mice a meesing,
and one tiny rat baby...
On the third day of this week, the cat I rescued from starvation in a refugee camp gave to me:

I spoke with my brother on the weekend and he teased me.
"Seen any rat babies lately?" he asked, referring to a story I told him recently about my friend and her strangely numerous encounters with baby rats.
I hadn't ever seen a rat baby myself, actually. Not until Frankie brought one in the next day. She left the body near the kitchen door so I scooped it up and threw it out the back window.
"Seen any rat babies lately?" he asked, referring to a story I told him recently about my friend and her strangely numerous encounters with baby rats.
I hadn't ever seen a rat baby myself, actually. Not until Frankie brought one in the next day. She left the body near the kitchen door so I scooped it up and threw it out the back window.
But last night I'm sitting in my indoor hammock reading a book and Frankie walks in with this thing in her mouth that's half her size. She starts playing with it on the floor near my computer, which is her favorite place to play with the animals she brings in and all I could think of is how I need to get this thing out of my house, now!
It was so big I couldn't' even sweep it or scoop it. This, my friends, is a task for a loving boyfriend to handle, as much as I'd like to say otherwise. But the loving boyfriend is in Bangkok all week at some conference at the four seasons, having cocktails while I dispose of rat bodies.
And all the while that I'm thinking "what the hell do i do?" Frankie is having the time of her life and I can hear the rat body thumping on the ground as she throws it up in the air and it hits the floor and rat blood is getting everywhere.
Finally I pluck up my courage and grab a plastic thing and the broom and i make it work, carrying the body out to the balcony. Frankie goes crazy manic "Wheresmyrat?wheresmyrat?wheresmyrat?" running around in circles meowing. I take her out to the balcony and close the door so she can't get back in with the rat. But i can still hear the thumping. Then I can hear the cat fight as some other cat tries to come over and steal the juicy prize.
About an hour later, I open the door to let the cat in, hoping she disposed of the copse. Nope. She's sitting there with it in her mouth, looking so happy and she starts trying to drag it back in again. I close the door for another hour.
It was so big I couldn't' even sweep it or scoop it. This, my friends, is a task for a loving boyfriend to handle, as much as I'd like to say otherwise. But the loving boyfriend is in Bangkok all week at some conference at the four seasons, having cocktails while I dispose of rat bodies.
And all the while that I'm thinking "what the hell do i do?" Frankie is having the time of her life and I can hear the rat body thumping on the ground as she throws it up in the air and it hits the floor and rat blood is getting everywhere.

About an hour later, I open the door to let the cat in, hoping she disposed of the copse. Nope. She's sitting there with it in her mouth, looking so happy and she starts trying to drag it back in again. I close the door for another hour.
When I go back out, Frankie has decapitated the giant rat, leaving it in two pieces on the balcony and she's happy to leave it there and come in for the night. But i am not happy to leave a rat corpse on my balcony so i have to screw up my courage again and push it into the plastic thing and fling it off the balcony. Unfortunately, I didn't fling it too far, but hopefully some dog smelled it, came and took it off to his lair.
I'm through with rat bodies! ...I hope
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