This year, for the first time in a long time, the Jones family clan will not be gathering to celebrate Christmas. Instead we have picked names to trade gifts from afar and will be celebrating in our respective corners of the world. But just to keep things fun and interesting, this blog is a reminder to all that this year is the first Jones Family Festive Vest Extravaganza!
Every year, when the holidays roll around, Mum pulls out her festive sweater vest and puts the rest of us to shame with our lack of festiveness, but no more!
This year, every member of the Jones clan is invited to respond in kind, by begging, buying, stealing or making the most festive Christmas vest possible. All members of the immediate family are strongly suggested if not required to submit their entry. Let's see what you got punks!
Members of the extended family and complete strangers are also more than welcome to compete, but quite frankly, I think any of you stand a chance (except maybe Aunty Pam... or maybe Nanny Joyce...).
The contest works like this: sometime before December 20th, take a photo of yourself in the festive vest and email it to me. Let me know if you don't want the photo posted on the blog, otherwise its open game.
The winner will get some kind prize, likely something which matches in proportions the festive nature of your vest. It's September, so there's plenty of time to get festive!
Merry Christmas everyone!
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