Monday, June 26, 2006

Are Ghosts Real?

I have just come back from a two week vacation and my life has been full and interesting and even, dare I say it, adventurous. It may seem strange then, that I am posting a random blog about ghosts. But writing about adventures takes some time and I really should be working, so for now, I am just sharing something that put a smile on my face.

Actually I am working. I am trying to find example essays which use definition in their introduction for a Writing class. Rather than wade through thousands of online essays, I thought I would search for an interesting topic and go from there.

My first attempt: coulrophobia (fear of clowns)

"Although there are no official statistics, some experts believe that as many as one in seven people experience some level of coulrophobia, as fear of clowns is clinically known. Symptoms can include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea and overall feelings of dread.

In October, a plan to erect dozens of clown statues in Sarasota, Fla., a fabled circus town, was almost scrapped after an outcry from coulrophobes and clown-haters."

Since there aren't actually any clowns in the refugee camps, nor a tradition of clowning, I thought coulrophobia may not be the most appropriate essay topic to be reading about. So I turned to ghosts and the question: are ghosts real?

Paydirt. Lots of essays talking definining ghosts, poltergists, what have you.

Also lots of strange people. For example:

Are Ghosts Real? Answered by Greendayfreak on March 16th, 2006.

Ghosts are 100% totally real. i myself am a 13 year old school girl going to a normal school, but not many people realise i have amazing psychic abilities, and i can speak to ghosts. I speak to Sir Donald Bradman everytime i play cricket. he helps me out a lot. I'm really crap at cricket, but just yesterday, i bowled, and hit 3 wickets in a row! hooray to me! Ghosts are usually so cheeky. I don't actually see them. I see a glowing light no one else seems to notice. And i communicate to them by thoughts.

Are Ghosts Real? Answered by StarWarsFreak on May 20th, 2006.

ghosts are real. it says in the bible too.
exept it's mostly satan.

I just wanted to share that with you because it made me laugh. Yay for the world, for the internet and for freaks everywhere!